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                 GOVERNMENT JOBS 


                             In recent past years 

the pharmaceutical field  is growing fastly.

the role for pharmacy graduates are very 

important in any situation all over the

 world .Many of the pharmacy graduates 

are searching for government jobs but only 

few seats are allotted for the each category 

of jobs .In this post I will share some

 information about the  government jobs for 

the pharmacy graduates.


                1) Drug inspector

                2) Junior analyst 

                           (Government analyst)

                3) Hospital pharmacist

                4)clinical pharmacist 

                5)Drug controller

                6)Drug control labs 

                7) Scientific officer

                8)  pharmacovigilance officer

                9) Pharmacy store in charge




                     To become a drug inspector 

you have need to pass the test conducted 

by both state and central government.To

 know more about the drug inspector job 

visit the below link


                        A degree in chemistry or In 

pharmaceutical sciences is required

 eligibility to become a drug analyst.

minimum of one year experience in the 

field of drug testing is needed.Test or

 analyses the given sample (drugs and

 cosmetics etc) and forward the report

to the government is the main work  done 

by the drug analyst.Both in state as well as 

in central government exams are connected 

to select the eligible candidate for this post.


                          The role of hospital

 pharmacists are compounding and

 duspensing of drugs . Government hospital 

needs a quality person as a hospital

 pharmacist.For that the government

 conducting various exams.The another

 important role of hospital pharmacist 

are giving advice to patients about the 



Clinical pharmacist is

is defined as the role of to give care to

heath of patients and concerned with the

practice of rational medications use.Clinical

pharmacist plays on important role in all 

region of the world 


                                     Drug controller is the 

Person who is responsible for approval of 

of license of specified category of drugs such 

blood and blood products,iv products,

 vaccines,etc.To become drug controller in 

in India you must pass the exam conducted 

by UPSC .The eligibility criteria is degree in 

chemistry or degree in pharmaceutical

 sciences.Knowledge in drug testing and 

manufacturing is required.


                              These officers are

 responsible for monitoring and reporting 

the effectiveness and side effects of the 

pharmaceutial products.Must possess 

a degree in pharmaceutial sciences and

 have a good knowledge in drugs.


                                  To maintain the drugs 

in the hospital is the main role of store 

officer.Recording and reporting the data 

about the drugs .The degree in

 pharmaceutial sciences is the eligibility 

criteria and you must pass the exams in 

UPSC and as well as exam conducted 

by the state governments.


       RRB pharmacist is a railway pharmacist.

To become a railway pharmacist you must 

complete a degree in pharmaceutical

 sciences .The examination was conducted 

by the government to select the eligible 



                    These are the government jobs 

for the pharmacy graduates.I will post

 separately and briefly each and every 

job in another post.For all these jobs 

you must possess a general and current 

affairs knowledge in the required field to 

crack the exams.



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