Hello guys,in this post we will going to see how to gain weight, gain weight is difficult like weight loss.It is not too difficult to gain weight ,if you fallow the steps regularly.Here I will give you five tips that will help you to gain weight.
I said the right way because eating
surplus food just junk food or something
like that it's not going to help you
gain the right kind of way so the first
point is to calorie surplus on a daily
basis so what you need to do is make
sure that you are eating excessive
calories for your weights so that you
will gain weight but the important point
is what kind of calorie surplus you do
not go reaching for biscuits and
chocolates and junk kind of food your
main meals or your other meals you just
increase the quantity the second point
is physical activity it's very important
to do the right kind of physical
activity that will help you gain muscle
mass so that will help again with
gaining weight if you're going to be
doing too much of cardio I don't think
that's going to help you gain that
weight so find the right kind of
physical activity and make sure you
consistently add it why number 3 is
eating more than just your main meal so
generally people eat breakfast lunch and
dinner I would say make sure you have a
good evening snack and a morning snack
so that they add to your excessive
calorie intake per day fourth point is
making sure to check for any
deficiencies in the body do a blood
check or also there's generally your
body gives you signs like your hair loss
or skin pigmentation or whatever it is
and also make sure
another point is make sure that your
body is absorbing everything you eat a
lot of the times it does not absorb all
the food you're eating and so you don't
gain weight the last one is stay away
from junk food and sugars because what
happens is when I'm
people are slightly underweight they
think that they can afford to eat the
junk food and sugar but you cannot
because a lot of the times when you do
eat that it's not helping with your gut
and hence it's not helping with your
weight gain so these are the five points
that you can follow gaining weight and
if you do follow them consistently you
definitely want to see that gain of
weight I think with gaining weight you
need to make sure you organize and meal
prep and keep everything in order and
just follow it to see best results
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