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            TOOTH ACHE RELIEF 


       Ten ways to kill a toothache in a minute.

A toothache is something we have all

experienced at least once in our

lifetime. More than that over 90% of

adults have had some form of tooth decay.

Effective toothache remedies don't have

to cost you a fortune there are more

than affordable treatment methods you

can try at home. 


                                      Cold compress is

effective for any kind of pain you are

experiencing. Use an ice pack or put ice

in a bag and wrap it with a thin cloth

place this on the aching tooth for 15

minutes to  normalize the nerves. You can 

 also try applying it to your cheek over the

tooth in pain your brain will receive

the cold signals from your finger nerves

and those will be stronger than pain

signals the cold compress also reduces

inflammation and swelling.

If you want to get your teeth strong and 

Clean Click here

              (From Amazon)


If you don't like the cold compress method,

you can try the peppermint tea.

Peppermint tea smells great and has some

good  properties add 1 TSP of dry

peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling

water and let it brew for 20 minutes.

Then use the mixture to rinse your mouth.

Tea bags will also do in case you don't

have any dried tea leaves just brew 1 as

you normally would let it cool and apply

it to the throbbing area.



                Note that this pain reliever is

safe but only has a very temporary

effect if you want it to last you'll 

have to repeat the process once the pain

comes back in few minutes.

 Check the link

          Check the above to get another results

For toothache relief.


                          hydrogen peroxide is a

pain reliever, that will help you manage

the discomfort. It can not only reduce

plaque but also heal bleeding gums and

killed bad bacteria .You can use it as a

mouthwash,all you have to do is mix 3%

hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water.

Do not swallow it once you spit it out

make sure to rinse your mouth with pure

water a few times.



                         clove as a spice in fact,

it's not only a great tool to give your

meal a special taste but also a powerful

healer clove has been treating tooth

aches for ages as it has eugenol which

is a natural antiseptic .It has been

widely used in Auirveda and Chinese

medicine and you have no reason to

question those right clove is used for

the production of toothpaste and


                         Use a small amount of

powdered cloves on the tooth or chew

the whole clove a little to release its.

Oil also  can use a tiny amount of

clove oil about two drops and place it

on the affected area.


                              The leaves are

anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial they

not only alleviate tooth aches but also

relieve mouth ulcers and swollen gums

either simply chew a leaf or two until

the juice starts working on the

effective tooth or place a few guava

leaves and boiling water allow the

liquid to cool to a warm temperature and

then add a sprinkle of sea salt use this

solution as a mouthwash time.


                  wheatgrass has antibacterial

properties which offer both short-term

and long-term benefits. While preventing

tooth decay and pain for best results

chew wheatgrass directly or use its

juice as a mouthwash. It removes toxins

from gums and supplies them with

important nutrients and also reduces

bacterial growth. It also gives you fresh

breath as a bonus, if you use it

regularly. What's the secret behind it's is

chlorophyll packed with amino acids

vitamins calcium and hundreds of enzymes

only found in it all this makes it a

great natural remedy for gum disease .


         Salt is an one of the natural

an easy and effective remedy to cure a

toothache all you have to do is mix 1/2

tablespoon of salt into a glass of warm

water and use it as a mouthwash.It also

prevents swelling and cleans the area

around the toothache. Dentists also

recommend rinsing your mouth with salt

water in addition to your regular dental

routine to keep your teeth healthy.


          Onion contains phytochemicals that

target the germs responsible for the

infection and gives you a break from the

pain the best approach to use it is to

cut off a piece of the onion and chew it

on the side of your mouth. That is in

pain this allows the juice from the

onion to penetrate your tooth if the

pain is too intense to chew you can use

a finger to hold the piece of onion

directly against the affected tooth

remember that the more pungent the onion

is the stronger the healing effect will

be sweet onions won't be as powerful as

red or yellow ones when it comes to

relieving your toothache.


       Fallow these steps to get relief from 

the tooth aches and it is very very useful

homemade remedies do fallow for 

better results.


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